Extreme Universe
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University
русский / english


Russian Collaborators

  1. Mikhail I.Panasyuk, Prof. — project coordinator of Russian institutions involved;Eric
  2. Vladislav I. Osedlo, PhD — financial questions, managing organizational and external relation questions;
  3. Sergej I. Svertilov, Prof. — PI of BDR and of "GAMMASCOPE";
  4. Anatoly F. Iyudin, PhD — development of "GROME-S", numerical modeling, detectors, calibration;
  5. Vladimir M. Lipunov, Prof. — PI, optical cameras development for UFFO;
  6. Natalia Nikolaeva, young scientist — assistant to LS
  7. Evgenij Grobovskoj, PhD student — development and testing of optical cameras.
  8. Vitalij V. Bogomolov, PhD — development of detectors and analogue electronics units of "GAMMASCOPE", num. simulation and calibration of detectors;
  9. Violetta S. Morozenko, PhD student — detectors development and simulation;
  10. Nikolai N. Vedenkin, young scientist — development of read-out digital electronics, interface bus, controller programming;
  11. Aleksej S. Krasnov, undergraduate student — work with digital electronics for space detectors read-out;
  12. Timophej V. Vachenko, undergraduate student — work with digital electronics for space detectors read-out;
  13. Egor Rogkov, undergraduate student — numerical modeling of "GROME-S";
  14. Irina Katukhova, programmer — technical support for the grant

Foreign Collaborators

  1. George F. Smoot, Prof. — project leader, University of California, Berkeley, USA
  2. Eric Linder, Prof. — theory and cosmology background
  3. Bruce Grossan — PhD, GRB observation and instrumentation, University of California, Berkeley, USA
  4. Didier Rouable — MCS - software and interface links
  5. Laurence de La Baume — Communication and Outreach Head
  6. Giulia Vannoni — Scientific Project Manager
2011-2025 © Extreme Universe Laboratory
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (MSU SINP),
1(2), Leninskie gory, GSP-1, Moscow 119234, Russian Federation